MCWS is administered by its faculty, administrative staff, and Board of Directors. The faculty is responsible for pedagogical decisions and is supported by the administrative staff in the day-to-day life of the school. The Board carries fiscal, legal, and risk management responsibility for the school, and works closely on long term planning with the faculty, administration, and parents who serve on various committees.
All full-time faculty and staff meet weekly to study, address the practical details of school life and to share the insights, joys and challenges arising from their work with students. After their first year of teaching, faculty and staff are asked to serve on committees that support and enhance the work of the school.
Leadership Council
Leadership Council consists of the Pedagogical Director, the Business Director or Operations Manager, the College Chair and representatives from school branches (faculty representatives from early childhood, grades and high school). It provides a nexus of communication among the decision-making bodies within the school. Under the mandate of the College of Teachers, Leadership Council has the authority to make decisions for the school on employment related issues, development of the operation budget and on time-sensitive or confidential issues.
Lauren Kerr—Class Teacher, Grades School Co-Chair
Gwen Wahlquist—Family Program Teacher, Early Childhood Chair
David Eichler—Pedagogical Director
DR. Helen-Ann Ireland—High School Chair
Lynn Thurrell—Middle School Faculty; College Chair
Phoebe Blume—Director of Strings; Grades Co-Chair
Melissa Watson—Business Director
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is responsible for the legal and fiscal health of the school and draws its members from parents, faculty and friends of the school. The Board partners with the College of Teachers, faculty, and staff in setting budgets and managing the school’s financial health, addressing legal matters, and designing long-range plans. Board members chair or serve on Finance, DEI, Development, Nominations, and Risk Management committees.
John Mangonello, Board President
Dana Anderson, Vice President
Justin Coffin, Treasurer
Christie Mahaffey, Secretary
Jeannie Mattson, Development Committee Chair
Karl Schatz, Nominating Committee Member
Julie Cummings, Voting Faculty Member
Gwen Wahlquist, Voting Faculty Member
Lynn Thurrell, Voting Faculty Member
Dr. Helen-Ann Ireland, Voting Faculty Member
Che Eagle
Gayle McGuire
Joe Newlin, Alumni Member
Riley Scott
Eric Shurtleff
Executive Governance Committee (EGC)
The Executive Governance Committee meets every month to ensure that the school’s goals are being supported. This group is made up of the four board officers, the Pedagogical Director, the Business Director and faculty Branch Chairs. The EGC sets priorities for the board agenda and integrates and informs the work of faculty and administration, with the work of the board.
The Executive Governance Committee includes all of Leadership Council, plus:
John Mangonello, President of the Board of Directors, Chair of EGC
Dana Anderson, Vice-President of the Board of Directors
Justin Coffin, Treasurer of the Board of Directors
Christie Mahaffey, Secretary of the Board of Directors
College of Teachers
The College of Teachers is the vessel for the spiritual life, health, and long-term visioning of the school. Through weekly study and discussion, College members identify common values and goals, make pedagogical mission-driven decisions regarding the school and provide strength for the school’s philosophical foundation. The College is specifically involved in affirming decisions regarding faculty and staff, giving final affirmation for changes in the curriculum. The College holds the mandates for Leadership Council and The Teacher Development Committee.